ee. Ancient Encounters.
I felt
the tree shake. Some dried leaves drifted downward from jolts on the jittering
branches. I felt thunder coming from the ground. Giant footsteps.
Tyrannosaurus? Triceratops? I could only imagine. I saw a saber tooth tiger the
previous night, so anything was possible. Looking to the deep blue horizon, I
scanned the tree line, the clearings, and the rocky terrain for any sign of a roving
giant. Every tree shook. Ever bush obeyed with shivering leaves to the footsteps.
The thundering paused momentarily, then resumed. Those steps gradually faded
away as if whatever was traveling near decided to travel somewhere else. Peace
returned. Whatever it was, it was huge. It was gone.
returned. The night grew darker. The moon reclined behind a mountain ridge. I
awaited the crickets. But they never sang. Eerie silence embraced the moonless
night. Clear sky and many stars. I recalled the moon appearing the previous
night from the mountain ridge almost early morning. I was determined to rest on
the platform in the tree until daybreak. I laid in silence. My eyes closed. My
ears wide awake.
My mind rushed to
judgement again. Vision? Dream? Abduction?
windy. Humming. Warmth. The dark embrace of weightlessness. Arctic cold. Warmth
returns. Humming crackling sonic raptures like saw blades on metal. A mixing
bowl with faces distorted. Chattering crickets chirping. Dark eyes blinking.
Teardrops swirling. White heads. No ears, no hair. Tiny nose on a huge face. No
nostrils. All head no hair bare shoulders. Instruments. Sterile tubes. Silver.
Humming antiseptics. Living breathing bulkheads. The deck is magnetic.
Triangles lace the free space. Cockpits. Control panels. Pilot gear from other
space. Pilot space. An alien abduction conducted on me.
One spoke to me.
Face to
face. As if speaking with a dentist as he leans over you with a bright light in
your eyes. You try to reply but he has your mouth absorbed with Novocain and filled
with cotton. Your lips and tongue are numb. Your words don't form. You can’t
reply. The alien speaks, “Write our appeal,” it says.
mouth never moves to form those words. He has a clicking chirp just like the
crickets. His mouth shivers with that chirp. Not with the words I hear. He’s a
big insect. The words it spoke didn’t speak with lips. They were thoughts.
wanted to say, “Who are you?” But I speak not aloud.
replies as if he knew my question, “We are the sons of God. The ones you call
‘the runaways.’”
A long
pause in thought. A needle. Pain. No pain. Drugs. Strong drugs. Lips numb. The
alien continues to talk without forming words with no mouth. “We were higher
than you, until you complained. You inherited the earth, but we deserve it. We
tried to teach you. Fools. Now we exploit you after your betrayal. Your
rejection of higher learning. We are banned from our homes and marooned on this
dry ground. We survive. Despite you.”
I ask
without speaking, “Who am I?”
alien replies, “Write our appeal.”
alien eyes roll back in his head and change from red to blue in translucent colors.
“Write out for us the record of a petition, so that we might receive
forgiveness. Take a record of this petition up to the present reign.”[1]
I am Trainman.
Journal: Ancient Aliens.
I know these words. I read them in
a book in the twenty-first century. Most of the western world scoffs at it.
Claim it to be superstition. The rest of the world appears oblivious to it. The
god RA to many.[2]
That’s the way the aliens want it. Clandestine control.
By, Trainman.
[1] Paraphrased:
The Book of Enoch. 13.4 as he meets the Watchers. The Modern English
Translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch with notes by Andy McCracken.
[2] In
later Egyptian dynastic times, Ra was merged with the god Horus, as Ra-Horakhty
("Ra, who is Horus of the Two Horizons"). He was believed to rule in
all parts of the created world: the sky, the earth, and the underworld. He was
associated with the falcon or hawk.
Ra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.